The question is, I argue, more interesting if thought about more generally, letting the distribution of the parent Poisson depend on $n$, say with parameter $\lambda_n$ and $\lambda_n = 1$ as a special case. I think it's perfectly reasonable to ask why, and how we can understand that, a central limit theorem does not hold for the sum $S_n = \sum_{i=1}^n X_{i,n}$. After all, it's common to apply a CLT even in problems where the distributions of the components of the sum depend on $n$. It's also common to decompose Poisson distributions as the distribution of a sum of Poisson variables, and then apply a CLT.
The key issue as I see it is that your construction implies the distribution of $X_{i, n}$ depends on $n$ in such a way that the parameter of the distribution of $S_n$ does not grow in $n$. If you would instead have taken, for example, $S_n \sim Poi(n)$ and made the same decomposition, the standard CLT would apply. In fact, one can think of many decompositions of a $Poi(\lambda_n)$ distribution that allows for application of a CLT.
The Lindeberg-Feller Central Limit Theorem for triangular arrays is often used to examine convergence of such sums. As you point out, $S_n \sim Poi(1)$ for all $n$, so $S_n$ cannot be asymptotically normal. Still, examining the Lindeberg-Feller condition sheds some light on when decomposing a Poisson into a sum may lead to progress.
A version of the theorem may be found in these notes by Hunter. Let $s_n^2 = \mathrm{Var(S_n)}$. The Lindeberg-Feller condition is that, $\forall \epsilon >0$:
\frac{1}{s_n^2}\sum_{i=1}^n\mathbb E[X_{i,n} - 1/n]^2I(\vert X_{i,n} - 1/n \vert >\epsilon s_n) \to 0,n\to\infty
Now, for the case at hand, the variance of the terms in the sum is dying off so quickly in $n$ that $s_n = 1$ for every $n$. For fixed $n$, we also have that the $X_{i,n}$ are iid. Thus, the condition is equivalent to $$
n\mathbb E[X_{1,n} - 1/n]^2I(\vert X_{1,n} - 1/n \vert >\epsilon) \to 0.
But, for small $\epsilon$ and large $n$,
n\mathbb E[X_{1,n} - 1/n]^2I(\vert X_{1,n} - 1/n \vert >\epsilon) &>n\epsilon^2P(X_{1,n}>0) \\
&=\epsilon^2n[1 - e^{-1/n}] \\
&= \epsilon^2n[1-(1 - 1/n + o(1/n))] \\
&= \epsilon^2 + o(1),
which does not approach zero. Thus, the condition fails to hold. Again, this is as expected since we already know the exact distribution of $S_n$ for every $n$, but going through these calculations gives some indications of why it fails: if the variance didn't die off as quickly in $n$ you could have the condition hold.