The log conditional probability for the autologistic model is
$\log\Pr(y_i\mid \{y_j : j \neq i\}) = \alpha_iy_i + \sum_j^N\theta_{ij}y_iy_j - \log(1 + \exp(a_i + \sum_j^N\theta_{ij}y_j))$
From Cressie's Statistics for Spatial Data, I follow how the conditional probability follows from the definition of negpotentials, and how that implies that the log likelihood have the form.
$\log \Pr(\mathbf{y}) = \sum_i^N\alpha_iy_i + \mathop{\sum\sum}_{1 \leq i < j \leq N} \theta_{ij}y_iy_j - \sum_{\mathbf{z} \in \zeta}\exp(\sum_i^N\alpha_iz_i + \mathop{\sum\sum}_{1 \leq i < j \leq N} \theta_{ij}z_iz_j)$
where $\zeta$ is the set of all configurations of the N sites.
For my own understanding, I've been trying to find a derivation of the full likelihood from the conditional probabilities.