Building a hierarchical Bayes model, and I am interested in Bayesian inference of two parameters $a > 0$ and $b > 0$.
Right now I am using uninformative priors on both $a$ and $b$.
But I do have distribution on $w = ab$. How can I use this information to create an informative prior on a and b?
I am willing to make any distributional assumptions on $a$, $b$, and $w$ that are convenient for modeling purposes. Right now I treat $w$ as normally distributed (though it too cannot technically be negative).
Edit: The motivation is that I can acquire data where I can infer both a and b, but it is expensive and estimates are imprecise (fat posteriors). I can also acquire different data quite easily and cheaply, where a and b are not identifiable but w =a/b is. So I'd like to use the posterior on w to inform a prior on a and b, so when I run the expensive experiment, I know I'll get better inference on a and b.