I am trying to figure out why I keep finding better results using stepwise regression than with LASSO while there are hundreds of posts and papers stating the opposite.
To explain a bit better : I got a pool of 20 variables I want to select from and about 150 other variables I am enforcing in the model. (It is in an association study context, the 20 selectable variables being genetic markers and the rest being PCA components allowing control of the kinship between individuals.)
The 20 variables are quite correlated as shown below :
I am trying to get a subset of the markers that still explains the response variable in a 'good enough' manner. For that I used two methods a forward/backward regression and a LASSO regression.
I am a bit puzzled by the results :
$\begin{array}{r|c|c} & Stepwise & LASSO \\ \hline Number\ of\ variables\ selected & 10 & 15 \\ Correlation\ fitted\ vs.\ observed\ values & 0.849 & 0.846 \\ MSE & 323 & 330 \end{array}$
I was not expecting LASSO to absolutely select less variables than the stepwise algorithm but I did expect that the end results would be better. How can I explain those ? Are the criterion I am using not appropriate or is it because I am using fitted values and not predicted values of additional data, or is it a totally different matter ?
Note that I used the shrinked model to get the fitted values so it is not the same problem as here