I did a webinar titled An Introduction to Classification with MATLAB. You can download the code and the dataset from the MATLAB file exchange:
I'm attaching some code directly that might be helpful
%% Use a Naive Bayes Classifier to develop a classification model
% Some of the features exhibit significant correlation, however, its
% unclear whether the correlated features will be selected for our model
% Start with a Naive Bayes Classifier
% Use cvpartition to separate the dataset into a test set and a training set
% cvpartition will automatically ensure that feature values are evenly
% divided across the test set and the training set
% Create a cvpartition object that defined the folds
c = cvpartition(Y,'holdout',.2);
% Create a training set
X_Train = X(training(c,1),:);
Y_Train = Y(training(c,1));
%% Train a Classifier using the Training Set
Bayes_Model = NaiveBayes.fit(X_Train, Y_Train, 'Distribution','kernel');
%% Evaluate Accuracy Using the Test Set
% Generate a confusion matrix
[Bayes_Predicted] = Bayes_Model.predict(X(test(c,1),:));
[conf, classorder] = confusionmat(Y(test(c,1)),Bayes_Predicted);
% Calculate what percentage of the Confusion Matrix is off the diagonal
Bayes_Error = 1 - trace(conf)/sum(conf(:))
%% Naive Bayes Classification using Forward Feature Selection
% Create a cvpartition object that defined the folds
c2 = cvpartition(Y,'k',10);
% Set options
opts = statset('display','iter');
fun = @(Xtrain,Ytrain,Xtest,Ytest)...
[fs,history] = sequentialfs(fun,X,Y,'cv',c2,'options',opts)
Ad in an illustration of how to calculate an ROC curve. Please note: this example is using a bagged decision tree rather than a Naive Bayes classifier
%% Run Treebagger Using Sequential Feature Selection
f = @(X,Y)oobError(TreeBagger(50,X,Y,'method','classification','oobpred','on'),'mode','ensemble');
opt = statset('display','iter');
[fs,history] = sequentialfs(f,X,Y,'options',opt,'cv','none');
%% Evaluate the accuracy of the model using a performance curve
Test_Results = dataset(Y_Test, Predicted, Class_Score);
[xVal,yVal,~,auc] = perfcurve(Test_Results.Predicted, ...
xlabel('False positive rate'); ylabel('True positive rate')