
I am familiarizing myself with quantile regression. I understand it is first and foremost an estimation method such as e.g. OLS. But I wonder about the probability distribution models for which quantile regression makes sense.

To use an analogy, the OLS estimator $$ \hat\beta^{OLS}:=(X^\top X)^{-1}X^\top y $$ is a minimum variance linear unbiased estimator when the true probability distribution model is \begin{align} y &= X\beta+\varepsilon, \\ \varepsilon &\sim d(0,\sigma^2) \end{align} or in other words, $y\mid X\sim d(X\beta,\sigma^2)$, where $d$ is some (unspecified) probability distribution.
Moreover, $\hat\beta^{OLS}$ is a maximum likelihood estimator when the probability model is \begin{align} y &= X\beta+\varepsilon, \\ \varepsilon &\sim N(0,\sigma^2) \end{align} or in other words, $y\mid X\sim N(X\beta,\sigma^2)$. So in some sense, the OLS estimator "naturally implies" the above probability distribution models.

Question 1: What could we say about the quantile estimator $$ \hat\beta^{QR}_{\tau}:= \arg\min_{\beta}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\rho_{\tau}(y_i-X_i\beta) $$ where $\rho_{\tau}$ is the quantile loss function (and the superscript $^{QR}$ stands for "quantile regression")? Does it "naturally imply" a probability distribution model for $y\mid X$?

Question 2: If we assumed particular true conditional quantiles $$ \beta^{QR}_{\tau}:= \arg\min_{\beta}\mathbb{E}\left(\rho_{\tau}(y-X\beta)\right) $$ (where $\beta_{\tau}$ may differ across different values of $\tau$) for a continuum of quantiles between 0 and 1, we would get an implicit conditional probability model for $y\mid X$.
But could the model be expresed explicitly in a nice way? If so, I would welcome a simple example.

P.S. In principle, the question covers more than just linear quantile regressions, but for practical purposes an answer addressing just the linear case would suffice.

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ In books I've read, it's been treated as a non parametric regression but apparently the quantile estimator is the maximum likelihood estimator of an asymmetric double exponential distribution. See here web1.sph.emory.edu/users/hwu30/teaching/statcomp/Notes/… $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 28, 2018 at 19:50
  • $\begingroup$ @machazthegamer, interesting. For a single quantile level $\tau$, your comment (slightly expanded) could serve as an answer. For multiple quantiles $\tau_i$ (a finite number of them) with different corresponding true $\beta^{QR}_{\tau_i}$, the model is probably underdetermined. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 28, 2018 at 21:55
  • $\begingroup$ @machazthegamer, I would like to accept your answer if you post your extended comment as one. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 15, 2019 at 16:49
  • $\begingroup$ Could someone expound on what was said here? $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 23, 2020 at 3:18
  • $\begingroup$ @RylanSchaeffer, where exactly? $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 23, 2020 at 5:44

1 Answer 1


Question 1: In case of a single quantile, the quantile estimator is the maximum likelihood estimator of an asymmetric double exponential (a.k.a. Laplace) distribution that may look like this: enter image description here (Picture borrowed from Abeywardana "Deep Quantile Regression" (2018).)

Thanks to @machazthegamer and @Dave for helpful links in the comments.

Question 2: In case of multiple quantiles, I doubt there can be a simple expression unless one puts some strong restrictions on the relationships between the slopes at the different quantiles for tractability. (Answers with concrete examples of such restrictions and the resulting tractable distributions are still welcome.)


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