If you have outliers, they are probably telling you something very interesting. Why throw them out? You will just be losing valuable information.
Sure, if they are mistakes, then delete them. But the mechanism that made them mistakes likely made some non-outlier data values mistakes too, so you should scour the entire data set for errors, not just the extremes.
If you have a system that produces occasional outliers, a better scientific model than the "delete outliers then assume normal distribution" model, is a model that likewise produces outliers; eg, lognormal, Student T, Pareto, etc. Sometimes outliers are a result of heteroscedasticity, so that is another modeling option.
If you model your system in this way, not only will you have a better scientific model for your data-generating process, but the estimation procedure (likelihood, Bayes) will automatically down-weight the outliers.
And if you want to be lazy and not model the scientific process explicitly, you can always use one of the gazillion estimation methods that are robust to outliers. Quantile regression comes to mind.
It is hard to defend "outlier deletion just because they are outliers" as a sound general statistical practice.