I am studying Structural VECM models using Lutkepohl's book. VECM process has the following Beveridge-Nelson MA representation:
$$y_t = \Xi\sum_{i=1}^{t}u_i + \sum_{j=0}^{\infty}\Xi_j^*u_{t-j} + y_0^*,$$
where the $\Xi_j^*$ are absolutely summable and $y_0^*$ are some initial values. Hence, long-run effects of shocks ($u_t$) are captured by the term $\Xi\sum_{i=1}^{t}u_i $ . Importantly, $\Xi$ is $K\times K$ matrix with $rank(\Xi) = K-r$. We are interested in finding such $K\times K$ matrix $B$ that $$u_t = B\varepsilon_t,$$ $$\Sigma_u = BB'$$ and now (plugging for $u_t$ into the model) long term effects are represented by matrix $\Xi B$ which also has rank $K-r$.
Long story short, one has to impose $K(K-1)/2$ restrictions on $B$ in order to be able to estimate it. Suppose we know $r$. Then, at most $r$ columns in $\Xi B$ can be zero ($r$ transitory shocks) which we consider as additional source for restrictions. But the author says that since $\Xi B$ has rank $K-r$, then each column of zeros stands for $K-r$ independent restrictions only. Thus, $r$ transitory shock represent $r(K-r)$ restrictions.
I do not understand his point. Why zero column gives only $K-r$ independent restrictions and not $K$ (since we impose $K$ zeros)?