I have a best-estimate value for some quantity $H$, along with uncertainty $\delta H$. I am told that the best-estimate $H$ was determined by fitting some unknown function involving $H$ and an arbitrary number $n$ of other parameters, $g(H; x_0...x_n)$, to a set of data. $H$ is thus the resultant best-fit parameter with uncertainty $\delta H$. I am also given the reduced sum of square deviations of the data to the fitting function the determined $H$, $\chi^2$.
This is all I know. I do not have the raw data that was fit to, nor how many points were used in the fit. All I have is
$$H$$ $$\delta H$$ $$\chi^2$$
Using these three pieces of information, is it possible to deduce the statistical significance of the best-estimate value $H$?