I am performing a Mixed between subjects Anova where I have multiple time points that subjects have completed a measure at.
- The within subjects factor is time.
- The between subjects factors include gender, ethnicity, refugee status and English language.
My two questions are
- Combined or separate ANOVAs: Is it possible in SPSS to do this as one analysis or do I need to do multiple Anovas one for each of my between subjects factors? If it is possible to do it in one model can you explain how specifically in SPSS?
- Fixed versus random factors: My advisor told me to be sure to know whether I am using the models as fixed effects or random effects but she herself doesnt really understand this. I understand the difference ie fixed effects are like gender versus random effects that are random sample of the total # of levels in the population however I am not sure how to deal with this in SPSS or even tell what the default is. I performed my analyses using Analyze, General Linear Model, Repeated Measures.