While reading the paper Anomaly Detection over Noisy Data using Learned Probability Distributions, I think I have discovered a mistake. On page 3, right column. They say (italic text between brackets is mine):
We measure how likely each element $x_i$ is an outlier (an anomaly) by comparing the difference change in the log likelihood of the distribution if ...
Followed by ($LL$ denotes log-likelihood):
If this difference $(LL_t - LL_{t-1})$ is greater than some value $c$, we declare the element an anomaly and permanently move the element from the majority set to the anomaly set.
Then they provide insight in this principle by saying:
The parameter $c$ affects the number of anomalies that are detected by the system. With very low values of $c$ only the most extreme anomalies are detected while with higher values of $c$ more elements are declared anomalies.
I believe that the last part should be just the opposite: the higher the value of $c$, the harder it becomes for the difference in log-likelihood to reach the threshold, the fewer elements are classified as anomalies. Note that the difference in log-likelihood is defined as the increase of log-likelihood.
I couldn't find anything online stating that the paper indeed has this mistake. Am I missing something, or is it indeed wrong?