I used the GLMMadmb function to asses the effect of three fixed factors (and two interactions) and two random factors on the abundance af a specie; my data had a negative binomial distribution. My fixed factors are: size (categorical with 5 levels), size (continous), height (continous) and my random factors: week and patch.
First I ran the model with all interactions and then I removed the non-significant
negbin= glmmadmb(abundance~size + neighbour +height + size*neighbour+ size*height +(1|week) + (1|patch),data=nedyus, family= "nbinom1")
Call: glmmadmb(formula = abundance ~ size + neighbour + height + size *
neighbour + size * height + (1 | week) + (1 | patch), data = nedyus,
family = "nbinom1")
AIC: 2684.1
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 3.07872 0.65738 4.68 2.8e-06 ***
sizeV -1.46324 0.88029 -1.66 0.09647 .
sizeIII -2.86801 0.72962 -3.93 8.5e-05 ***
sizeII -3.07838 0.79007 -3.90 9.8e-05 ***
sizeI -3.99529 0.92210 -4.33 1.5e-05 ***
neighbour -0.03386 0.01267 -2.67 0.00751 **
height -0.02401 0.00628 -3.83 0.00013 ***
sizeV:neighbour 0.02705 0.02483 1.09 0.27601
sizeIII:neighbour 0.01241 0.01560 0.80 0.42604
sizeII:neighbour 0.03231 0.01416 2.28 0.02248 *
sizeI:neighbour 0.02929 0.01474 1.99 0.04685 *
sizeV:height 0.01405 0.00739 1.90 0.05726 .
sizeIII:height 0.02655 0.00686 3.87 0.00011 ***
sizeII:height 0.01858 0.00788 2.36 0.01838 *
sizeI:height 0.02679 0.00909 2.95 0.00321 **
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Number of observations: total=976, week=8, patch=122
Random effect variance(s):
Variance StdDev
Intercept) 0.01442 0.1201
Variance StdDev
(Intercept) 0.4469 0.6685
Negative binomial dispersion parameter: 1.676 (std. err.: 0.10951)
Log-likelihood: -1324.03
Warning message:
In .local(x, sigma, ...) :
'sigma' and 'rdig' arguments are present for compatibility only: ignored
I want to report this results in my work, but instead of the AIC value iwould also like to have an R-squared value to know how well does the model fit, is there a way to get it?
Any additional observation you can share with me about my model is more than welcome, thank you.