The 20 data are width to length ratios of beaded rectangles used by the Shoshoni Indians of America to decorate their leather goods.
69.3 65.4 66.2 61.5 69.0 66.8 60.6 60.1 57.0 57.6 74.9 67.0 67.2 60.6 62.8 61.1 60.9 55.3 84.4 93.3
One might ask whether the golden rectangle(for which the width to length ratio is 0.618) can be considered as an aesthetic standard for the ShoShonis just as it was for the Greeks and the Egyptians?
1) I assume null hypothesis Ho: The distribution is same as that of the normal distribution. The normality test gave me p value 0.002, which means I accept Ha(The distribution is not normal)
2) Then i do a one sample t-test with the standard value 0.618 with 95% confidence interval. My Ho:Sample mean and 0.618 are same. The two tailed p value is 0.054.
Now the real question comes what to do now i mean Whether to accept Ho or reject Ho because 0.054 is near to 0.50?