I was wondering whether there is some equivalent of trimmed mean when estimating skewness (or kurtosis)? I am looking for something which would be called maybe a trimmed sample skewness or kurtosis.
If I had reason to believe that the outliers are generated by a different process than the rest of the data, I could just throw away the largest 10% and smallest 10% of observations (or other arbitrary %) and calculate the sample skewness only with the rest.
So the formula would then look like (for a series with mean zero):
$$\text{skewness} = \sqrt N \sum_{i=1}^n \left( \left (x_i : q_.1(x) < x_i < q_.9(x))^3 \right)/( \text{Var}(x)^{\frac{3}{2}})\right)$$
Where $q_{.1}$ is the 10-th percentile of the $x$ distribution and $q_{.9}$ is the 90-th percentile.
I suppose the $\text{var}(x)$ would have to be adjusted in a similar way (i.e. some part of x values also thrown away). But my question is: is there such a kind of measure, is it used? if so, where could i find its properties? If it's not used, is there some reason why (maybe because it doesn't make any sense whatsoever)?
I am aware there are some other robust estimators of skewness and kurtosis, such as those discussed in this paper. I am also aware that saying "just trim" is probably wrong and there should be some assumptions behind throwing away some subset of my data.