I have been presented with an interesting regression question:
Suppose I have a "black box" that will calculate the residual sum of squares:
$RSS=(Y-X\hat{\beta})'(Y-X\hat{\beta})$ for any standard linear model of the form $Y=X\beta+e$ that I want to put in it. Further assume that there are n=60 observations, two predictor variables, $\alpha_1,\alpha_2$ and that I am testing the hypothesis:
$H_0: \gamma_1=\gamma_2$ using the model:
$Y_j=\gamma_0+\alpha_{j,1}\gamma_1+\alpha_{j,2}\gamma_2+\epsilon_j, j=1,...,60$.
The trick is not to try and just find the appropriate H-matrix and test accordingly, but that the only tool we have at our disposal is this black box that will give me $RSS$ and nothing else.
Any thoughts on how to solve the puzzle?