I have a data set representing a random vector $\mathbf{X}=(X_1,\ldots, X_p)'$. Define $Z=\alpha' X $, where $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}^p$ and $\alpha'\mathbf{1}_p =1$.
I would like to find the $\alpha$ which maximises the likelihood of $Z$ falling in a given interval $(a,b)$, that is: $$ \max_\alpha\; \mathbb{P}\left[\alpha' \mathbf{X} \in (a,b)\right] $$
The task is relatively simple if the $X_i$ variables are assumed normal i.i.d.. Can you tell me some methods, and related R packages, for a more general case?
To make the problem solvable, perhaps numerically, I assume $\mathbf{X}$ follows a skewed-$t$ distribution.