I have a revenue formula for a business. Let’s assume it’s for a lemonade stand. To simplify, assume the revenue formula at any time $t$ is:
$$\text{Revenue(t)} = \sum_{i = 1}^t \text{Price}(i) \cdot \text{#Cups}(i),$$
where $\text{Price}(i)$ is the price at time $i$ and $\text{#Cups}(i)$ is the number of cups sold at that time and price.
Also assume this is a brand new business, so I have no history whatsoever.
I have used a monte carlo method from the book “How to Measure Anything” that uses 90% estimation intervals (EI), the fact that there are 3.29 standard deviations in 90% of the normal distribution, the formula: norminv(rand(), mean of 90% EI interval range, (upper 90% EI bound – lower 90% EI bound)/3.29)), 10000 monte carlo scenarios, and a histogram to display a normal distribution for any single point in time for the revenue formula.
That’s good but only part of the problem I want to solve. What I really want to graph is the mean of the function represented by the revenue formula through time (instead of at a single point in time via a histogram) where the y-axis is dollars of revenue and the x-axis is time. I then want to show the curve that represents 3 standard deviations above every point on the mean function and a second curve that represents 3 standard deviations below every point on the mean function.
Any suggestions for a solution or where to start looking for one would be greatly appreciated! I have a computer science background so don’t mind if the solution needs VBA or some other programming lang. That said, I haven’t checked in a production line of code in about 15 years so take it easy on me :).