Binary Sparse Coding is just the method itself.
This method has to be trained, for instance using variational EM.
The model selection prior $p(s|\Theta) = \prod_h^H (\pi_h)^{s_h} (1-\pi_h)^{1-s_h}$ however does imply a specific sparsity due to the selection of the design variables $x$ (if given) and coefficients $w_{ij}$.
In fact, minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the approximated posterior $q(\theta)$ and the real posterior $p(s|y,\Theta)$ does imply minimizing the noise deviation, which is $||y-Ws||^2_2$ for Gaussian noise.
But the sparsity, assuming the noise distribution hits the real noise good enough, does come from the selection prior and the data itself. The model is forced to describe as many data $y$ as possible by turning on and off the right components and refining them in order to the data.
The more independent those components are from each other, the better the model can do so and the higher the approximate posterior probability for specific units given a specific data point $y^{(n)}$. (see
The less the true noise differs from a Gaussian the the less the weights should look like noise, except if the data is too occupied. For example, if knowing the exact causes and generating target data $y$ with around $\bar\pi=0.5$ or higher, the number of latents must be higher than the exact number of causes. And even than it might be too occupied to extract the right causes, especially with very less data.
For example, in regression problems, the design variable intersection per data point might be very high, but the true causes are considered sparse (see