Peter is correct that negative binomial regressions are typically used to address dispersion (in fact it is probably the default option for most), but this is usually in the case where overdispersion is not very extreme such as yours. My guess is that you have a response which has a low mean (around 1 or 2), high variance, and a heavy right skew. This typically contributes to this level of dispersion (barring no issues with zeroes like Peter noted), as the variance of the counts can only meaningfully fluctuate near the base of the distribution, whereafter it varies to a very minor degree for higher values. Given your concern, I think this would actually be a better candidate for a Poisson inverse Gaussian (PIG) model, which is tailored to handling these sorts of problems. That is not a guarantee, only an option that may potentially be helpful.
Here is how that is accomplished. The negative binomial (NB) regression is technically a mixture model, in that it uses a Poisson (discrete) distribution along with a Gamma (continuous) distribution to model the response. This gives the model it's flexibility in dealing with dispersion. The PIG model is similar in that it uses a Poisson and an inverse Gaussian distribution (the IG distribution specifically because of it's highly right-skewed nature), and models a variance of $\mu + \alpha \mu^3$ rather than $\mu + \alpha \mu^2$. If zero-inflation is indeed an issue, one can just use a zero-inflated PIG (ZIPIG) to deal with both concerns. The gamlss
package can fit both models with relative ease.
An example can be found below, where the PIG model lowers the dispersion by a little but not by a crazy amount. In some models this may vary more:
#### Load Libraries and Data ####
library(gamlss) # for model
library(COUNT) # for data and vcov
library(msme) # for dispersion checks
data(rwm5yr) # data for model
rwm1984 <- subset(rwm5yr, year==1984) # only use this year
#### Poisson Model ####
pois.mod <- glm(docvis ~ outwork + age, data=rwm1984, family = poisson)
P__disp(pois.mod) # dispersion = 11.343
#### NB2 Model ####
nb.mod <- glm.nb(docvis ~ outwork + age, data=rwm1984)
P__disp(nb.mod) # dispersion near 1.410
#### PIG Model ####
pig.mod <- gamlss(docvis ~ outwork + age, data=rwm1984, family=PIG)
summary(pig.mod) # sigma dispersion = 1.344
PIGs can also utilize zero-truncated and hurdle models. Modeling With Count Data, while not a perfect book, does a good job of at least explaining some of the differences between PIG models.
from theMASS
package) $\endgroup$