For those not familiar with the following code snippet from Stata the OP provided
ivreg my_dv var1 var2 var3 (L.my_dv = D2.my_dv D3.my_dv D4.my_dv)
this equation can be read as
$Y_t = \alpha + \beta_1 (Var1) + \beta_2 (Var1) + \beta_3 (Var1) + \beta_4 (\tilde{Y}_{t-1})$
where $\tilde{Y}_{t-1}$ is estimated by
$\tilde{Y}_{t-1} = \alpha + Z_1(\Delta^{2}Y_t) + Z_2(\Delta^{3}Y_t) + Z_3(\Delta^{4}Y_t)$
(i.e. the first stage of the IV equation is within the parenthesis in the Stata code)
The deltas represent second, third, and fourth order differences, and they are used as excluded instruments to estimate the lag of the dependent variable.
In Stata code, the L.
indicates lagging that variable by $t-1$, and D.
signifies first order differences of that variable, and hence D2.
signifies second order differencing.
Intially I could not think of any logical reasoning why someone would do this. But Kwak pointed out (referencing this paper) that the Arellano-Bond method uses the differences as instruments to estimate the auto-regressive component of the model. (Also intially I had assumed that the differences would only have an effect if the series is non-stationary, which Bond states in that linked paper the differences will only be weak instruments in the case the series is a random walk, on pg. 21)
As suggestions on further reading material as introductions to instrumental variables,
Another poster in this response (Charlie) linked to some slides he prepared that I like and would suggest are worth looking into for an intro to instrumental variables. I would also suggest this powerpoint a professor of mine prepared for a workshop as an introduction as well. As a last suggestion for anyone instrested in learning more about instrumental variables you should look up the work of Joshua Angrist.
Here is my initial answer
While I agree with everything that Kwak and ars have stated, I still can not think of any reason why someone would use the differences of the dependent variable as instruments to estimate the lag of the dependent variable (if people do not know Stata code, the L.
indicates lagging that variable by $t-1$, and D.
signifies first order differences of that variable, and hence D2.
signifies second order differencing).
In all applications I have seen, people use the lag of independent variables as instruments to estimate the lag of the dependent variable (for reasons ars talks about). But this is based on the assumption that the lagged independent variables are exogenous to the error term in the time period they are being applied.
I do not know of any reasoning in which the differences of the dependent variable would be considered exogenous. As far as I'm aware it is not accepted practice to difference only one side of the equation, and would produce rather illogical results (here is a paper that critiques someone about the reverse situation in which they included a variables level as a predictor of a differenced series.) If you rearrange the terms in the IV equation it actually looks similar to an augmented Dickey Fuller test.
While the simplest answer would be to ask the person who wrote the code, can anybody give an example in which this procedure would be acceptable, or any situation in which this procedure would return some meaningful results? As is I can not think of any logical reasoning why the differences would have an effect on the levels except in the case the series is non-stationary.