There a very easy way to do it using R Package "biotools".
In this case you will get a Squared Distance Mahalanobis Matrix.
#Manly (2004, p.65-66)
x1 <- c(131.37, 132.37, 134.47, 135.50, 136.17)
x2 <- c(133.60, 132.70, 133.80, 132.30, 130.33)
x3 <- c(99.17, 99.07, 96.03, 94.53, 93.50)
x4 <- c(50.53, 50.23, 50.57, 51.97, 51.37)
#size (n x p) #Means
x <- cbind(x1, x2, x3, x4)
#size (p x p) #Variances and Covariances
Cov <- matrix(c(21.112,0.038,0.078,2.01, 0.038,23.486,5.2,2.844,
0.078,5.2,24.18,1.134, 2.01,2.844,1.134,10.154), 4, 4)
Mahalanobis_Distance<-D2.dist(x, Cov)
and look the documentation. $\endgroup$mahalanobis
function inR
as recommended by @MYaseen208 is that this calculates maha distance between a single point and a set of points, not pairwise distance between every pair of points in a set of points. See the post recommended by @rpierce for more discussion. $\endgroup$