I am working on the following problem:
Let $X$ and $Y$ be independent random variables with common density $f(x)=\alpha\beta^{-\alpha}x^{\alpha-1}\mathbf1_{0<x<\beta}$ where $\alpha\geqslant1$. Let $U=\min(X,Y)$ and $V=\max(X,Y)$. Find the joint density of $(U,V)$ and hence find the pdf of $U+V$.
As $U+V=X+Y$, I can simply find the pdf of $X+Y$ to see what the pdf of $U+V$ should be.
I get the pdf of $T=X+Y$ to be $$f_T(t)=\int f(t-y)f(y)\,\mathrm{d}y=\alpha^2\beta^{-2\alpha}\int_{\max(t-\beta,0)}^{\min(t,\beta)}(y(t-y))^{\alpha-1}\,\mathrm{d}y\,\mathbf1_{0<t<2\beta}\tag{1}$$
Not sure if that integral can be simplified though.
Coming back to the actual question, the joint pdf of $(U,V)$ is given by
I did a change of variables $(U,V)\to(W,Z)$ where $W=U+V$ and $Z=U$. Absolute value of jacobian is unity. Also, $0<u<v<\beta\implies 0<z<\frac{w}{2}<\beta$. So marginal pdf of $W$ is
It is possible that I have made some error in the proper supports of the random variables. It is also possible that the integral does not have a solution in terms of elementary functions. In any case, I could not proceed with the integral. So I couldn't even verify that $W=U+V$ has the same pdf as $T=X+Y$. It appears that I am getting different distributions of $W$ and $T$. And out of curiosity, does the distribution of $X$ have a name (in which case I would have searched for the convolution of two such random variables) ?
Proceeding with the last integral I get by hand
$$\int_0^{w/2}(z(w-z))^{\alpha-1}\,\mathrm{dz}=w^{2\alpha-1}\int_0^{1/2}t^{\alpha-1}(1-t)^{\alpha-1}\,\mathrm{dt}=w^{2\alpha-1}I_{1/2}(\alpha,\alpha)B(\alpha,\alpha)$$ where $I_{x}$ is the regularized incomplete beta function. Using the property $I_x(a,b)=1-I_{1-x}(b,a)$, we get $I_{1/2}(\alpha,\alpha)=\frac{1}{2}$. So finally we have $$\int_0^{w/2}(z(w-z))^{\alpha-1}\,\mathrm{dz}=\frac{1}{2}w^{2\alpha-1}B(\alpha,\alpha)$$
This implies that
That this is not a density in the given range of $w$ is easily seen. So I feel I have made a big mistake somewhere. I have checked my calculations with Mathematica and they seem to agree.