This is a question that I can't find the solution. I don't know it is a open question or it is a well-known result that can be attained from several lemmas.
Here are the definition of Matérn class kernel:
where $\sigma^2$ is a length scale parameter, $\Gamma(.)$ is gamma function, $K_{\nu}$ is the modified Bessel function of the second kind, and $\nu,\rho$ are non-negative parameters of covariance.
I use the definition of universal kernel in Universal Kernels(Charles A. Micchelli):
Given any prescribed compact subset Z of a Hausdorff topological space X, A kernel is universal if for any positive number $\epsilon$ and any function f ∈ C(Z) (continuous function on Z) there is a function g ∈ K(Z) (RKHS space generated by the kernel) such that sup norm $||f-g||_{Z}<\epsilon$
I know that frequently used Gaussian and Laplacian kernels are universal kernels and they are special case of Matérn class so I am wondering what kind of $\nu$ will lead to a universal kernel.
I am interesting in this problem because I am now studying Gaussian Process and Bayesian Optimization [Niranjan Srinivas,Jonathan Scarlett, Jasper Snoek] and I find that not only in theory they consider Matérn/Gaussian Kernel but also in real-world implementation. The default Kernel choice of many Bayesian optimization tools are Matérn 5/2. I don't think it is reasonable if it's not universal but I don't know how to prove it.