I've got a model that I've developed in R, but also need to express in SAS. It's a double GLM, that is, I fit both the mean and (log-)variance as linear combinations of the predictors:
$E(Y) = X_1'b_1$
$\log V(Y) = X_2'b_2$
where Y has a normal distribution, $X_1$ and $X_2$ are the vectors of independent variables, and $b_1$ and $b_2$ are the coefficients to be estimated. $X_1$ and $X_2$ can be the same, but need not be.
I can fit this in R using gls() and the varComb and varIdent functions. I've also written a custom function that maximises the likelihood using optim/nlminb, and verified that it returns the same output as gls.
I would now like to translate this into SAS. I know that I can use PROC MIXED:
proc mixed;
class x2;
model y = x1;
repeated /group = x2;
However, this only gives me what I want if I have 1 variable in the /GROUP option. If I enter 2 or more variables, MIXED can only handle this by treating each individual combination of levels as a distinct group (that is, it takes the cartesian product). For example, if I have 2 variables in $X_2$, with 3 and 4 levels respectively, MIXED will fit 12 parameters for the variance. What I want is for the log-variance to be additive in the variables specified, ie 6 parameters.
Is there a way of doing this in MIXED or any other proc? I could probably code something in NLP, but I'd really prefer not to.