This is how I think about it:
D_{KL}(p(y_i | x_i) \:||\: q(y_i | x_i, \theta)) = H(p(y_i | x_i, \theta), q(y_i | x_i, \theta)) - H(p(y_i | x_i, \theta)) \tag{1}\label{eq:kl}
where $p$ and $q$ are two probability distributions. In machine learning, we typically know $p$, which is the distribution of the target. For example, in a binary classification problem, $\mathcal{Y} = \{0, 1\}$, so if $y_i = 1$, $p(y_i = 1 | x) = 1$ and $p(y_i = 0 | x) = 0$, and vice versa. Given each $y_i \: \forall \: i = 1, 2, \ldots, N$, where $N$ is the total number of points in the dataset, we typically want to minimize the KL divergence $D_{KL}(p,q)$ between the distribution of the target $p(y_i | x)$ and our predicted distribution $q(y_i | x, \theta)$, averaged over all $i$. (We do so by tuning our model parameters $\theta$. Thus, for each training example, the model is spitting out a distribution over the class labels $0$ and $1$.) For each example, since the target is fixed, its distribution never changes. Thus, $H(p(y_i | x_i))$ is constant for each $i$, regardless of what our current model parameters $\theta$ are. Thus, the minimizer of $D_{KL}(p,q)$ is equal to the minimizer of $H(p, q)$.
If you had a situation where $p$ and $q$ were both variable (say, in which $x_1\sim p$ and $x_2\sim q$ were two latent variables) and wanted to match the two distributions, then you would have to choose between minimizing $D_{KL}$ and minimizing $H(p, q)$. This is because minimizing $D_{KL}$ implies maximizing $H(p)$ while minimizing $H(p, q)$ implies minimizing $H(p)$. To see the latter, we can solve equation (\ref{eq:kl}) for $H(p,q)$:
H(p,q) = D_{KL}(p,q) + H(p) \tag{2}\label{eq:hpq}
The former would yield a broad distribution for $p$ while the latter would yield one that is concentrated in one or a few modes. Note that it is your choice as a ML practitioner whether you want to minimize $D_{KL}(p, q)$ or $D_{KL}(q, p)$. A small discussion of this is given in the context of variational inference (VI) below.
In VI, you must choose between minimizing $D_{KL}(p,q)$ and $D_{KL}(q,p)$, which are not equal since KL divergence is not symmetric. If we once again treat $p$ as known, then minimizing $D_{KL}(p, q)$ would result in a distribution $q$ that is sharp and focused on one or a few areas while minimizing $D_{KL}(q, p)$ would result in a distribution $q$ that is wide and covers a broad range of the domain of $q$. Again, the latter is because minimizing $D_{KL}(q, p)$ implies maximizing the entropy of $q$.