As far as my understanding of logistic regression goes, only dummy coding is readily interpretable for this type of modelling. How to explain coefficients when effect coding is used in logistic regression?
Here is a simulation example for illustration:
podatki<-data.frame(category = c(rep("A",10000), rep("B",10000), rep("C",10000)),
P=c(rbinom(10000,1,0.1), rbinom(10000,1,0.3), rbinom(10000,1,0.5)),
Y=c(rnorm(10000,10,1), rnorm(10000,30,1), rnorm(10000,50,1)))
Specifying an effects coding matrix:
X<-matrix(c(1,1,0,1,0,1,1,-1,-1), nrow=3, byrow = TRUE)
$X=\left(\begin{array}{ccc} 1 & 1 & 0\\ 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 1 & -1 & -1\\ \end{array}\right)$
Appending the matrix to data:
tmp<-data.frame(cbind(Y=podatki$Y,P=podatki$P, matrix(c(rep(X[1,2:3],10000), rep(X[2,2:3],10000),rep(X[3,2:3],10000)),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)))
Running logistic and regression model:
summary(model<-glm(P~b1+b2, data=tmp, family = "binomial"))
summary(model<-lm(Y~b1+b2, data=tmp))
While results of linear regression are easy to interpret:
Intercept here represents unweighted mean $\bar{Y}=\frac{\bar{Y}_A+\bar{Y}_B+\bar{Y}_C}{3}$, while $b_1$ represents $\bar{Y}_A-\bar{Y}$ and $b_2$ represents $\bar{Y}_B-\bar{Y}$.
Results of logistic regression are not readily interpretable: