This is the results of my anova(glm())
and the post-hoc analyses emmeans()
Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev Pr(>Chi)
NULL 515 1336.6
Type_product 3 32.544 512 1304.0 4.019e-07 ***
Exhaustion_product 9 92.167 503 1211.8 5.977e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1[/code]
gl=glm(Effort ~ Type_product + Exhaustion_product, family=poisson , data=vect)
emmp <- emmeans( gl, pairwise ~ Type_product)
summary( emmp, infer=TRUE)
contrast estimate SE df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL z.ratio p.value
c - f -0.14084934 0.04221684 Inf -0.249305743 -0.03239295 -3.336 0.0047
c - m 0.33882907 0.08050197 Inf 0.132016967 0.54564118 4.209 0.0002
c - s 0.31167356 0.12274400 Inf -0.003659682 0.62700680 2.539 0.0541
f - m 0.47967842 0.08339482 Inf 0.265434484 0.69392235 5.752 <.0001
f - s 0.45252290 0.12076017 Inf 0.142286189 0.76275962 3.747 0.0010
m - s -0.02715551 0.14317625 Inf -0.394979861 0.34066883 -0.190 0.9976
There is significant effect of Effort
and Type_product
(χ2(3)=32.5, p<0.001). Post-hoc test report decreasing Effort
of C
comparing to F
Firstly, I want to be sure that my GLM reporting is correct.
After that, I can't found any APA format reporting for post-hoc test (p-value, estimate?)
How to report these values ?