
I have a question about how to analyze some data. It involves the performance of two equally sized groups in a questionary with 30 arithmetic questions that I scored with two possible outcomes (correct/ incorrect) plus possible omissions (unsolved question). My first approach to these data has been to calculate each subjects' frequency of correct, incorrect and non-solved questions which I aimed to compare by means of a chi-square association test (plus an a posteriori inspection of the standardized residuals).

On a second step, as I do not expect differences between groups, I would like to observe whether participants (regardless of the group) provided more/ less correct answers depending on the type of arithmetic operation involved (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division). I intended to ascertain this question by means of chi-square goodness of fit and, again, an a posteriori inspection of the standardized residuals

However, I have been told that my approach might be incorrect because I should treat correct, incorrect and non-solved questions as interval variables. Therefore, I am quite puzzled at the moment and I would appreciate expert advice on the correct approach to deal with this two experimental situations.

(I am using SPSS, just in case this information might be relevant here)


1 Answer 1


However, I have been told that my approach might be incorrect because I should treat correct, incorrect and non-solved questions as interval variables.

I do not understand this advice, you should ask for clarification. One way to interpret it is that the three categories correct/ incorrect, unsolved question can be ordered, but then, how?

Maybe you could try multinomial logistic regression, or, use a chi-square test.


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