Both values of $U$ and $W$ are non-negative integers, say $u$ and $w$ respectively. We need to find which values of $(x,y)$ are associated with $(u,w).$ This is tantamount to solving the simultaneous equations
\min(x,y) &=u \\
for $(x,y).$ There are two possibilities: $\min(x,y)=x$ or $\min(x,y)=y.$ In the first case, $x=u$ whence $y=u+w.$ In the second case $y=u$ whence $x=u+w.$ These cases overlap when $w=0,$ which occurs when $X=Y.$
Therefore, by the probability axioms, when $w\ne 0$
$$\Pr((U,W)=(u,w)) = \Pr((X,Y)=(u,u+w)) + \Pr((X,Y)=(u+w,u))$$
and otherwise when $w=0$
$$\Pr((U,W)=(u,0)) = \Pr((X,Y)=(u,u)).$$
The independence of $X$ and $Y$ means their probabilities multiply, immediately giving
\Pr((U,W)=(u,w)) &= \left\{\begin{array}{rl}(1-\lambda)\lambda^u\,(1-\lambda)\lambda^{u+w} + (1-\lambda)\lambda^{u+w}\,(1-\lambda)\lambda^u & \text{if }w\ne 0 \\ (1-\lambda)\lambda^u\, (1-\lambda)\lambda^u &\text{if } w=0\end{array}\right. \\
&= (1-\lambda)^2\lambda^{2u+w}\left\{\begin{array}{rl}2 & \text{if }w\ne 0 \\ 1 &\text{if } w=0.\end{array}\right.
A convenient way to write that last expression in brackets uses the binary indicator function $\mathcal{I}:$
$$\mathcal{I}(w\ne 0) + 1 = \left\{\begin{array}{rl}2 & \text{if }w\ne 0 \\ 1 &\text{if } w=0.\end{array}\right.$$
$$\Pr((U,W)=(u,w)) = (1-\lambda)^2\ \left(\color{blue}{\lambda^{2u}}\right)\ \left(\color{red}{\left(\mathcal{I}(w\ne 0) + 1\right)\lambda^w}\right).$$
This is a product of a normalizing constant $(1-\lambda)^2,$ a function of $u$ alone (in blue), and a function of $w$ alone (in red), demonstrating $U$ and $W$ are independent.
tag and read the tag wiki. $\endgroup$