I have a question on how to derive (if possible) the following probability distributions.
Consider 3 random variables $(X,Y,Z)$ mutually independent and identically distributed. Specifically, $X$ is distributed as a Gumbel with mean $\mu\in \mathbb{R}$ and location $\beta>0$.
1) What is the probability distribution of $$Y-X$$
As suggested in a comment below the answer to this is the third bullet point here:
$$ Y-X\sim Logistic(0,\beta) $$
It seems that $X\perp Y$ is not necessary, correct?
2) What is the probability distribution of $$ \begin{pmatrix} Y-X\\ Z-X \end{pmatrix} $$ Is it a bivariate logistic? Which are the parameters governing it? This is another question on this forum about the bivariate logistic.
3) Can we conclude that $$ \begin{pmatrix} Y-X\\ Z-X \end{pmatrix} \sim \begin{pmatrix} X-Z\\ Y-Z \end{pmatrix} \sim \begin{pmatrix} X-Y\\ Z-Y \end{pmatrix} $$