I'm new to stats and I was wondering if anyone had any good resources that could explain to me:
How one can correct their data (false-positives) using Poisson-regression. I've been looking for some resources to explain it simply and give a step by step (in R) but I've had trouble.
The reason I ask is because I was trying to reproduce the following:
We perform our analysis at a region level, where all region pairs are separated by more than 17.4 mm, which based on simulations (not shown), leads to negligible bias due to distance-related false positive connections. We also employ a Poisson regression-based statistical adjustment that yields measures of $SC$ adjusted for the physical distances between region locations. Specifically, we apply a model that assumes that the number of $DTT$ streams $S_{ij}$ connecting regions $i$ and $j$ follows a Poisson distribution with the mean $\mu(S_{ij}|g_{ij})$ dependent on the physical distance $g_{ij}$ between these regions, i.e. $S_{ij}|g_{ij}\sim \mathcal{Pois}(\mu(S_{ij}|g_{ij}))$. Therefore, we estimate and subsequently adjust for the association between the physical distances and the $DTT$ counts using the effect $\alpha_1$ in the log-linear model $\log(\mu(S_{ij}|g_{ij}))=\alpha_0+\alpha_1 g_{ij}$ Henceforth, assume that each $\pi_{ij}$ is adjusted for physical (geometric) distance to reduce the potential impact of false structural connections on our awFC method.
source: Bowman et al. 2012