Why increasing lambda parameter in L2-regularization makes the co-efficient values converge to zero?
I have just tried to do the math, but it's a little bit rusted.
Lets say that we have a simple linear model as follows: $y=w_1\cdot x$
we could write the cost function for ridge regression is to be minimized:
$cost(\hat{w_1}, \lambda)= (y - \hat{w_1} \cdot x)^2 + \lambda \cdot \hat{w_1}^2$
it means that if we consider the problem as min-max:
$\frac{\hat{dw_1}}{dc} = -2 \cdot x \cdot (y - \hat{w_1}) + 2\cdot \lambda \cdot \hat{w_1} = 0$ so,
$y = (1 + \frac{\lambda}{x}) \cdot \hat{w_1}$
Since the y and x are invariants, it is to be expected increasing $\lambda$ make the co-efficient decrease as the equation holds.
Is that the right way to reason?