I am working on a problem involving understanding/predicting customer frequency. The data I am working with is structured as a series of interval days between orders:
'customer_id: 'A',
'order_n' : [1,2,3,4,5,6],
'interval_days': [Null, 7, 10, 2, 30, 3],
I would like to perform some analysis that covers the following aspects:
- Captures uncertainty/volatility for customers with thin order history. (when n=2, stdv is meaningless)
- Given order interval history ${I1, I2, I3, .. In}$, what is the Probability Distribution of $I_{n+1}$?
- Can the PDF above be used to predict churn? e.g, $Pr(I_{n+1}=NULL)$ )
- Is there a method that takes into account periodicity, without requiring time series/date analysis?
I think this problem is a good candidate for the Bayesian framework, however I don't have much experience with application here. Looking forward to the community's feedback. Thanks!