I am having difficulty interpreting the effects of the covariates of a linear model with log-transformed response for two specific time points.
This is the model: $log(Y_t) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 * X_{1t} + \beta_2 * X_{2t}$
Let's say I have $Y_t = 100$ and $Y_{t+1} = 110$. Now I want to explain this increase in $Y$ from $t$ to $t+1$ in terms of the explanatory variables. Is it possible to split this $10$ units increase in $Y$ between $X_1$ and $X_2$, e.g. $Y$ increased by $7$ units due to $X_1$ and by $3$ units due to $X_2$?
How could I mathematically split the increase in $Y$ between the covariates for two specific time points?