To get a sense for why batch normalization is important, consider a neural network with two hidden layers, $h^1$ and $h^2$, and inputs $x$, so that the input to $h^2$ depends on the activation of $h^1$. However, during SGD, the parameters of both hidden layers are changing , so that the distribution of the activations of $h^1$ are constantly changing (different mean, different standard deviation, etc). This makes it difficult to accurately optimize the weights of $h^2$, since the weights are having to continuously react and update to the new distribution of inputs from the activations of $h^1$.
In this way, batch normalization aims to reduce this so-called "covariance shift" in the inputs to $h^2$, so that training can proceed smoother. They do this by standardizing each layer's activations. Let $a^1$ denote the activations of the first hidden layer. The standardized versions, $\hat{a}^1$ are given by:
$$\hat{a}^1 = \frac{a^1 - \overline{a}^1}{\text{SD}(a^1)}$$
Where $\overline{a}$ denotes the empirical mean, and SD denotes the standard deviation. In this way, we ensure that the inputs to $h^2$ will always have mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
However, this process of standardization throws away a lot of information about the previous layer, which may lead to a decreased ability for the model to learn complicated interactions - this is the notion of capacity you were referring to. BatchNorm resolves this by adding two parameters, $\gamma$ and $\beta$, again trained by backpropogation, that allows us to "add back" some information of the previous layer:
$$y^1 = \gamma\hat{a}^1 + \beta$$
The $y^1$'s are now used as input for $h^2$. Note that when $\gamma = \text{SD}(a)$, and $\beta = \overline{a}$, we recover the original inputs, which is the identity transform the original paper was referring to. And, when $\gamma = 1, \; \beta = 0$, we again have our completely standardized inputs. In this way, we allow for a balance between reducing the effects of covariance shift, while simultaneously maintaining the expressiveness of our neural network.