

In Rafal Bogacz's tutorial on the free-energy framework for modelling perception and learning, section 2.3 we have:

$$\dot{\phi} = \frac{\partial F}{\partial\phi} = \varepsilon_u g'(\phi) - \varepsilon_p \tag{9 & 12}$$

$\dot{\phi}$ is the rate of change of $\phi$ with time, and used in gradient accent to update $\phi$.

Here's the MathLab code, and the result:

A graph showing the value of phi, quickly converging to the expected value

So far so good.

Updating prediction errors

The equation above include two variables, both express prediction errors. Here's one of them:

$$\varepsilon_p = \frac{\phi - Vp}{\mathit{\Sigma}_p} \tag{10}$$

And it is obvious that this can be rearranged like so:

$$0 = \phi - Vp - \mathit{\Sigma}_p \varepsilon_p$$

Now I can only assume that because neural circuits can't do division, the equation above also gets updated in the gradient ascent. The update given is (MathLab code):

$$\dot{\varepsilon_p} = \phi - Vp - \mathit{\Sigma}_p \varepsilon_p \tag{13}$$

And it goes:

It is easy to show that the nodes with dynamics described by Eqs. (13)–(14) converge to the values defined in Eqs. (10)–(11). Once Eqs. (13)–(14) converge, then $\dot{\varepsilon}=0$, so setting $\dot{\varepsilon}=0$ and solving Eqs. (13)–(14) for ${\varepsilon}$, one obtains Eqs. (10)–(11).

Now give me 500 years and I wouldn't come up with this solution (definitely not after 120 years). Is this some common knowledge I've been missing, or is it a unique treatment? Where can I read more about these sorts of 'dynamics'?

What's more, despite understanding the $\dot{\varepsilon}=0$ case, I don't really get why or how this works. Namely, In (10) we divide by $\mathit{\Sigma}_p$ whereas in (13) we multiply.

Another issue is that if you look at the plot, you'll see that neither prediction errors actually converge to 0:

A plot showing the prediction errors and phi over time

So can someone please provide a layperson explanation as to how (13) works? Maybe by using a simple case?


1 Answer 1


OK, I've worked it out. Here's the most trivial example I could think of.

$$ I = \frac{V}{R}$$

which can be rearranged:

$$ IR = V$$

So in:

$$ \dot{I} = V - IR$$

$V$ stands for the the actual voltage, where $IR$ stand for the calculated voltage based on parameter $I$. The difference between them is the error.


voltage = 10;
resistance = 5;
current(1) = 0; % What we're after. As current = voltage / resistance, it's 2.

DT = 0.01;
MAXT = 1;

for t = 2:MAXT/DT
    error = voltage - resistance * current(t-1);
    current(t) = current(t-1) + DT * error;

plot([DT:DT:MAXT], current);

And the graph:

A graph showing the current starting at 0 and slowly converging to 2


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