The training accuracy of my model is not improving though validation accuracy improves steadily. This is weird abnormal behaviour and I just can't figure out what's wrong. Here are some graphs to help you give an idea.
Training Cost
Training Accuracy
Evaluation Accuracy
Training And Evaluation Accuracy Both
Note -- I have not used any deep learning framework. I am running this on a from scratch neural net which is taken from Michael Nielsen's book. Its working fine, I have tested it on other datasets. And the problem which I am working on is a binary Image classification task. Details are below --
Architecture - [3072, 60, 60, 2] -- two hidden layers of 60, 60 neurons
Training Data - 9000 images of dimensions (32,32,3) of two classes
Validation Data - 500 images of two classes
Activation - Sigmoid
Learning Rate - 0.005
Mini Batch Size - 10
Epochs - 35
Lambda - 0.0 (No regularization)