This question is a follow up to one of my previous questions asked on this site. The goal was to create a composite score for biomarkers related to a binary outcome and then use that in a regression to see if the composite score can significantly predict the outcome. I had 30+ biomarkers and I ended up selecting 4 of them which were bivariately ($p<0.10$) related to the outcome. I made a composite of these 4 biomarkers using ridge regression following the helpful answer by EdM. That way I could account for the natural correlation present among these markers and get adjusted $\beta$'s (adjusting for other biomarkers and covariates like age, sex, etc.). I had 109 complete observations. The coefficients look as follows:
> ridge.mod.bestlam <- glmnet(x, y, alpha = 0, lambda = 0.2387845, standardize = TRUE, intercept=TRUE)
> coef(ridge.mod.bestlam)
10 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
(Intercept) -0.0252900970
Age 0.0003756038
female 0.0603410625
Premorbid_depression -0.0338846415
antidep12 0.0556264177
nGCS_Bestin24 0.0135018439
log_med_IL_10 0.0530590200
log_med_ITAC 0.0478298328
log_med_sIL_6R -0.0881823906
log_med_RANTES 0.0568835030
I multiplied the last 4 coefficients with the respective (scaled) marker values and obtained the composite score that I'd call ILS.ridge
here. I used it as an input in a final logistic regression model. The odds ratio was 423.3499, extremely high. I must be doing something wrong but cannot figure it out. I checked the VIF and it was well below 1.5 for all variables. I also provide with the final regression results here.
glm(formula = nPTDCategory_m12 ~ Age + factor(female) + factor(nGCS_Bestin24) +
factor(Premorbid_depression) + factor(antidep12) + ILS.ridge,
family = "binomial", data = data2)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.0708 -0.6266 -0.4577 -0.2850 2.6085
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 4.5892763 2.6980108 1.701 0.08895 .
Age -0.0008613 0.0170169 -0.051 0.95963
factor(female)1 0.4465424 0.6081925 0.734 0.46282
factor(nGCS_Bestin24)1 -0.0261555 0.6160321 -0.042 0.96613
factor(Premorbid_depression)1 -0.7174396 0.8567616 -0.837 0.40238
factor(antidep12)1 0.7393719 0.6429819 1.150 0.25018
ILS.ridge 6.0481991 2.3258686 2.600 0.00931 **
> exp(6.0481991)
[1] 423.3499
I'd like to know your thoughts about this problem. Can anyone tell if I'm doing something wrong?
seems to be based on linear rather than logistic regression withglmnet
. If that's not an error in copying then that could contribute to your problem. I'm also curious what the distribution ofILS.ridge
values was. As a continuous predictor its reported coefficient for the logistic regression would be for a change of 1 full unit, so ifILS.ridge
only varies over a range of, say, +/- 0.01 then this result might make sense. As @FrankHarrell put it: "make sure the odds ratio is computed over a valid range of X such as its quartiles." $\endgroup$