Assume that we have given two continuous iid random variables $X$ and $Y$ with support $[1,c)$, where $c$ is some constant greater than one. Now assume I have a given iid sample $X_1, \ldots,X_n$ and $Y_1, \ldots,Y_n$ (so absolutely no dependence here).
Imagine that I know that:
$$(1): \mathbb P \left(\frac{\min(X_1,\ldots,X_n)-a_n}{b_n}\leq x_1\right) \sim F(x_1), \text{ for }n \to \infty$$
$$(2):\mathbb P \left(\frac{\min(X_1Y_1,\ldots,X_nY_n)-\bar a_n}{\bar b_n}\leq x_2\right) \sim G(x_2), \text{ for }n \to \infty,$$
where $F$ and $G$ are just the limit distributions. Is it true that then it also follows that
$$(3):\mathbb P \left(\frac{\min(X_1,\ldots,X_n)-a_n}{b_n}\leq x_1,\frac{\min(X_1Y_1,\ldots,X_nY_n)-\bar a_n}{\bar b_n}\leq x_2\right) \sim F(x_1) G(x_2),$$
for $n$ to infinity?
At first I thought this cannot work since they are obviously dependent - but then I thought that the probability that $\min(X_1,\ldots,X_n)$ and $\min(X_1Y_1,\ldots, X_nY_n)$ will be obtained in the same realization will converge to zero and since the sample is iid, it is actually true? So am I right?
edit: Okay, since noone is answering so far I just explain a little bit my idea why I think it could be true; We have for some $i$:
\begin{align*} &\mathbb P\big(X_i=\min(X_1,\ldots,X_n), X_iY_i=\min(X_1Y_1,\ldots,X_nY_n)\big) \\ \leq &\mathbb P\big(X_i=\min(X_1,\ldots,X_n), Y_i \leq \min(X_1Y_1,\ldots,X_nY_n)\big) \\ = &\mathbb P\big(X_i=\min(X_1,\ldots,X_n)\big) \mathbb P\big( Y_i \leq \min(X_1Y_1,\ldots,X_nY_n) \vert X_i=\min(X_1,\ldots,X_n) \big) \\ = &1/n \mathbb P\big( Y_i \leq \min(X_1Y_1,\ldots,X_nY_n) \vert X_i=\min(X_1,\ldots,X_n) \big) \end{align*}
where the latter probability converges to zero, since $\min(X_1Y_1,\ldots,X_nY_n)$ gets arbitrarily close to 1 for $n \to \infty$. Therefore, the probability, that the minimum is realized in the same observation is something like $n \cdot 1/n \cdot o(1)=o(1)$, so converges to zero...
Now this is obviously not a rigorous proof but are my thoughts correct?
The answer can be found here:
Sangchul Lee gave me a good idea, doing it with the easist case, the uniform distribution and I could extend it the general case of atom-free random variables