I've heard people use "loss function" to refer to 2 different functions, with different type signatures:
1) A real-valued function of a label, $y$, and a prediction $\hat{y}$.
2) A real-valued function of a parameter $\theta$; this function depends on the loss function (in the first sense) and the data distribution.
I'd like to talk about both of these things, and have good terminology for distinguishing them. Any suggestions?
My current inclination would be to call (2) a "task", but I think that's not ideal.
EDIT: Here's an example, to clarify what I mean by (2). Suppose we have data distribution P(X,Y), and are using MSE. Then the loss is: $$L(\theta) = E_{(x,y) \sim P(X,Y)} (y - f_\theta(x))^2$$ In this example, I mean $L(\theta)$.