So, I want to do 10 fold CV. After I googled it, all of the websites I've found told me that to do the split, take 1 fold as test and the rest as train. But my professor told me another way. She told me to take 1 fold as train and 1 fold as test (and repeat until 10). So in 10 fold, the way she meant is:
- Model1: Fold1 (Train) + Fold2 (Test)
- Model2: Fold1 (Train) + Fold3 (Test)
And so on until
- Model9: Fold1 (Train) + Fold10 (Test)
After that continue to Fold2 as train
- Model10: Fold2 (Train) + Fold1 (Test)
- .............. Fold2 (Train) + Fold10 (Test)
It continues until it reaches: Fold10 (Train) + Fold9 (Test). So there is 10x9 iteration until it finished.
I told her the former way (take 1 as test and the rest as train) but she said that the latter way (her way) is more valid/stronger and made the model robust.
So I'm wondering, is her way of doing the CV correct? (Excuse my english, btw)