I'm trying to understand this article "Estimating regularized linear models with rstanarm", but I'm having trouble with the section "Priors". As background, we are working with the linear model under QR reparameterization:
$$y = X\beta + \alpha + \epsilon = Q\theta + \alpha +\epsilon, $$
where $\theta = R\beta$ and $\epsilon \sim N(0,\sigma_Y^2)$.
The vignette says:
To understand this prior, think about the equations that characterize the maximum likelihood solutions before observing the data on $X$ and especially $y$
We can write its $k$th element as $\theta_k=\rho_k \sigma_Y \sqrt{N-1}$ where $ρ_k$ is the correlation between the $k$th column of $Q$ and the outcome, $σ_Y$ is the standard deviation of the outcome, and $\sqrt{N−1}$ is the standard deviation of the $k$th column of $Q$.
No proof is given for any of these statements and I'm having trouble working them out for myself.