After moving from a proprietary GUI-based software to python for GLM development, I find I'm confused on interpreting the output of an interaction. Using the statsmodel
package, I've developed the following poisson GLM model with a log link function. The model is predicting frequency of insurance claims:
'frequency ~ atfault_model2 + majorvio_model2 + BIlmt_model2 + minorvio_model2 + Vintiles + multi_policy_count_model + unit_drv_exp_model2 + unit_value_model2 + yrs_owned_model2 + unitnum_model2 + class_model2_Sport + class_model2_Street + class_model2_other + marital_status_model_S:Driver_Age_model - 1'
My question/s comes specifically from the marital status by age interaction. Marital status is coded as 1 (single) or 0 (married). Those are the only married options. Age is continuous variable from 18 to 81.
The married_status_S (1 for single) by age gives a coefficient of .0011. Is assume I interpret for every year a single person ages, that age goes up by exp(age*.0011)
Is that correct?
Second question, is based on the assumption that age will go up in terms of a coefficient for married status as well. How do I get that from the singleXage interaction or do I need to add driver age by itself as a factor?