I have a study where I asked participants to sort voices based on different traits (for example from least to most confident or from least to most attractive).
I want to do a rank correlation to see if:
There is a relationship within participants' responses between different traits (if a participant thinks a voice is more attractive, do they also prefer that voice more?)
There is a relationship within traits between participants' responses (if a participant thinks a voice is more masculine, does another participant agree?)
In my study, voices were identified using integers 0 through 5. Therefore, for each participant, I have a sorted list of digits 0 through 5 for each trait. How can I use this data with a rank correlation test like Spearman's Rho?
I think it is a mistake to simply pass the two ''ranked lists'' to a function like
scipy.stats.spearmanr([0,3,2,5,4,1], [2,0,3,1,5,4])
but I am not sure about this.