I have the following output from a logistic regression model.
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -2.6023448 0.0694696 -37.460 < 2e-16 ***
our_bid 0.0039520 0.0007646 5.169 2.35e-07 ***
our_bid:zipcode10000:14849 0.0019334 0.0009006 2.147 0.031807 *
our_bid:zipcode14850:19699 0.0022905 0.0009514 2.407 0.016064 *
our_bid:zipcode19700:29999 -0.0009483 0.0008583 -1.105 0.269231
our_bid:zipcode30000:31999 -0.0016309 0.0011028 -1.479 0.139161
our_bid:zipcode32000:34999 0.0016241 0.0007856 2.067 0.038688 *
our_bid:zipcode35000:42999 0.0023549 0.0008541 2.757 0.005831 **
our_bid:zipcode43000:49999 0.0007096 0.0008104 0.876 0.381286
our_bid:zipcode50000:59999 0.0006533 0.0009269 0.705 0.480942
our_bid:zipcode60000:69999 0.0030564 0.0008169 3.742 0.000183 ***
our_bid:zipcode7000:9999 -0.0027419 0.0012699 -2.159 0.030847 *
our_bid:zipcode70000:79999 0.0013243 0.0007809 1.696 0.089921 .
our_bid:zipcode80000:89999 0.0038726 0.0008006 4.837 1.32e-06 ***
our_bid:zipcode90000:96999 0.0038746 0.0007817 4.957 7.18e-07 ***
our_bid:zipcode97000:99820 0.0009085 0.0010044 0.905 0.365726
I am using these coefficients to draw the predicted probabilities such that.
$$\text{Prob} = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-z}}$$
$$z = B_0 + B_1X_1 + \dots + B_nX_n.$$
I realize that interpreting these interaction terms can be challenging. However, I generate the main regression equation and use that to formulate the probability curve. However, I'm not sure how to make sense of any of the "our_bid:zipcode" variables?
What about if my model output was: (instead saving zipcode as a factor, I make it a continuous variable)
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -2.6023448 0.0694696 -37.460 < 2e-16 ***
our_bid 0.0039520 0.0007646 5.169 2.35e-07 ***
our_bid:zipcode 0.0019334 0.0009006 2.147 0.031807 *
Would interpretation being easier with this approach? Keeping with the log-odds, how can I make sense of the log-odds effect that this model expresses for the interaction term?