Recently I came across the following result in a paper, which I can't seem to find right.
Anyway the authors had cited Distributions in Statistics: Continuous Multivariate Distributions by Johnson & Kotz, page 20 as the source. Since I do not have access to this book I am unable to check on the derivation of this result. I was hoping someone could shed some light on how to prove this.
Let $X$ and $Y$ denote a pair of bivariate log normal random variables with their means and variances given by the ordered pairs $(\zeta_{X}, \eta_{X})$ and $(\zeta_{Y}, \eta_{Y})$ and with correlation coefficient $\rho_{(X, Y)}$, derived from the bivariate normal with marginal distributions having parameters $(\xi_{X}, \nu_{X}^2)$ and $(\xi_{Y}, \nu_{Y}^2)$ and correlation coefficient $\rho_{N}$.
The expression for $\rho_{(X, Y)}$ is given as \begin{equation} \rho_{(X, Y)} = \dfrac{\mathrm e^{(\rho_{N} \nu_{X} \nu_{Y})} - 1}{\sqrt {(\mathrm e^{\nu_{X}^2} - 1)(\mathrm e^{\nu_{Y}^2} - 1)}} \end{equation}
The below is a manipulation I came up with, any error in that would be completely mine.
Upon rearranging we get \begin{equation}\begin{aligned} \rho_N &= \dfrac{\ln (1 + \rho_{(X, Y)} \sqrt {(\mathrm e^{\nu_{X}^2} - 1)(\mathrm e^{\nu_{Y}^2} - 1)})}{\nu_{X}\nu_{Y}}\\ &= \dfrac{\ln (1 + \rho_{(X, Y)} \frac{\eta_{X}\eta_{Y}}{\zeta{X}\zeta{Y}})}{\sqrt {\ln ((\frac{\eta_{X}}{\zeta_{X}})^2 + 1)\ln ((\frac{\eta_{Y}}{\zeta_{Y}})^2 + 1)}}. \end{aligned} \end{equation}
I am very interested in learning if this result would hold true between $X$ and $Y$'s correlations if we had a quad-variate situation as in there were 2 more random variables which are also correlated with $X$ and $Y$ would this result still be true ? I suspect it should be, but I am newbie and due to lack of a credible source I was wondering if some one would be kind to confirm it.