Rectified Normal distribution is a hybrid distribution with the following pdf:
$f(x;\mu ,\sigma ^{2})=\Phi (-{\frac {\mu }{\sigma }})\delta (x)+{\frac {1}{{\sqrt {2\pi \sigma ^{2}}}}}\;e^{{-{\frac {(x-\mu )^{2}}{2\sigma ^{2}}}}}{\textrm {U}}(x).$
I want to find the distribution of a sum of independent rectified Normal distributions. I think the best method would be using the characteristic function. But I'm not good with Fourier transforms and cant transform the second term. What is the characteristic function of a rectified Normal distribution?
EDIT: $U$ is the Heaviside step function and $\delta$ is the Dirac delta function
I see that the second term is a unnormalized truncated Normal. If we use the linearity of the Fourier transform, we get something like this (I'm not sure though):
$\hat{f}(\xi)=\Phi (-\frac{\mu}{\sigma})+{\displaystyle e^{\mu (i\xi)+\sigma ^{2}(i\xi)^{2}/2}\left[{\Phi (+\infty -\sigma (i\xi))-\Phi (0 -\sigma (i\xi))}\right]}$
how should I deal with the infinity?