I have a problem interpreting an interaction effect. The interaction term (continuous_variable*Female
) is significant (p < .05) in logistic regression, but the simple slope analysis suggests that the slopes of the continuous_variable
(as a predictor) is not significant for Female
=1 or Female
> interactions::sim_slopes(my.logit, pred = continuous_variable, modx= FEMALE, johnson_neyman = FALSE)
Slope of continuous_variable when FEMALE = 0.00 (0):
Est. S.E. z val. p
------- ------ -------- ------
-0.10 0.07 -1.34 0.18
Slope of continuous_variable when FEMALE = 1.00 (1):
Est. S.E. z val. p
------ ------ -------- ------
0.10 0.09 1.17 0.24
However, when when I take continuous_variable as a moderator, simple slope analysis suggest significant slopes as below:
> interactions::sim_slopes(my.logit, pred =FEMALE , modx= continuous_variable,johnson_neyman = FALSE, robust='HC1')
Slope of FEMALE when continuous_variable = 0.06 (- 1 SD):
Est. S.E. z val. p
------ ------ -------- ------
0.10 0.14 0.75 0.45
Slope of FEMALE when continuous_variable = 0.88 (Mean):
Est. S.E. z val. p
------ ------ -------- ------
0.27 0.10 2.70 0.01
Slope of FEMALE when continuous_variable = 1.71 (+ 1 SD):
Est. S.E. z val. p
------ ------ -------- ------
0.43 0.13 3.22 0.00
Not sure how to interpret the significance of interaction term along with these simple slope analyses results. Does it suggest that I failed to find support for the interaction?