A key aspect of how text-to-speech (TTS) machine-learning works is very unclear to me even after reading the Tacotron-2 paper and the Google AI blog.
How are spectrograms generated from the text are aligned with the ground-truth (GT) spectrograms? If each character in the input text leads to a fixed number of output spectrogram frames, then there is no guarantee (in fact, they will almost never be) that the number of output frames will be same as ground-truth frames or aligned. E.g. in the training-data, the speaker may speak a sentence faster or some words in the sentence faster, but the neural-net generates output spectrogram with a different spoken speed.
So how are spectrograms of tacotron-2 output and GT aligned? Does tacotron generate a fixed number of frames per input seq character or variable?
How does it know how many frame to generate for 2nd char 'E' in sentence "WE GO TO MOVIE" versus last char 'E'?