When fitting models using abc, data is simulated using parameters drawn from the prior. The distance between the simulated data and the observed data is calculated, and typically if less than a certain threshold, the parameters are accepted as being part of the posterior.
Ive seen instead of using an arbitrary distance measure, that the distance between the observed and simulated data has been assumed to have a distribution, the likelihood of this calculated, and this likelihood used to derive the probability of acceptance for the proposed parameters (https://arxiv.org/abs/0811.3355).
Can non-parametric likelihood measures be used instead such as the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test?
In the below example I fit the same model using stan and abc rejection to data which is a mixture of a normal distribution and a binary proportion. As the distance for abc I used the likelihood derived from the Kolmogorov–Smirnov p value and proportion test. Both methods seem to give similar results.
rm(list = ls(all = TRUE))
Sys.setenv(LOCAL_CPPFLAGS = '-march=corei7 -mtune=corei7')
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
##rejecton abc
#draw from prior
priordraw = function() {
theta =vector()
theta[1] = runif(1,0,1)
theta[2] = runif(1,-5,5)
theta[3] = runif(1,0,10)
#calculate pval as for dist between observed and simulated data
disfn = function(observed,simulated) {
prop_p= log(prop.test(c(N-observed[[1]],N-simulated[[1]]),c(N,N))$p.value)
if (length(simulated[[2]])>1){
ks_p = log(ks.test(observed[[2]],simulated[[2]])$p.value)
} else {
ks_p = 0
#simulate data using using params drawn from prior and calculate distance from observed data
simdata = function(theta){
pos = rbinom(1,N,theta[1])
mes = rnorm(pos,theta[2],theta[3])
simulated = list(pos=pos,mes=mes)
dist = disfn(observed,simulated)
#observed data
N = 1e3
observed = list(pos=400,mes = rnorm(600,1,2))
#do abc rejection
reps = 1e5
pval = vector()
priors = matrix(NA,reps,3)
for (x in 1:reps){
priors[x,] = priordraw()
pval[x] = simdata(priors[x,])
#sample prop to lik
inds = 1:length(pval)
selected = sample(inds,size=500,replace=F,prob=exp(pval))
###fit with stan
stancode <- 'data {
int N;
int pos;
real mes[N-pos];
parameters {
real<lower=0,upper=1> prop;
real mu;
real<lower=0> sigma;
model {
prop ~ uniform(0,1);
mu ~ uniform(-5,5);
sigma ~ uniform(0,10);
target += binomial_lpmf(pos | N, prop);
for (i in 1:pos) {
target += normal_lpdf(mes[i]| mu, sigma);
#mixture of proportion and normal
dat = list(pos=observed[[1]],mes = observed[[2]], N=1e3)
fit <- stan(model_code = stancode, data = dat, iter=2000,chains=4)